
The content throughout the style guide is placed in blocks. Blocks consist of an icon and the block title at the top and the content below.

  <div class="block">
    <i class="block-icon icon-info icon-bg-default"></i>
    <h2 class="block-title"> Blocks </h2>
    <div class="content"> The content throughout the style guide is placed in blocks. Blocks consist of an icon and the block title at the top and the content below. </div>

Block without an icon

Blocks that do not have an icon require an extra class so the title is pulled to the left.

  <div class="block block-no-icon">
    <h2 class="block-title"> Block without an icon </h2>
    <div class="content"> Blocks that do not have an icon require an extra class so the title is pulled to the left. </div>